Beginning with an onsite evaluation of your therapy operation and facilities, we will develop a plan customized to your specific opportunities. Included in this plan will be recommendations regarding appropriate staffing levels as well as a recruitment strategy geared toward the future.
Our Employees enjoy their jobs and the manner in which they are managed. Due to their high job satisfaction, our employee turnover rate remains low. By implementing our recruiting and management protocols, we are able to hire and retain experienced, highly talented employees.
ITC takes compliance matters very seriously. We employ a full time compliance officer with over twenty years experience, formerly as a Medicare auditor. We utilize an EMR documentation system to help promote all necessary pieces of documentation be completed. Furthermore, each clinic has staff responsible for auditing each patient chart as a redundant measure. Finally, all ITC clinics are routinely internally audited for compliance by an independent auditor.
Our system of over twenty-five key statistics specifically measures the valuable products each team member must produce to promote maximum efficiency. Call or email us today to learn more about our extensive management system.